Samsung has launched two mid-range smartphone under Rs 15,000 with killer features to rule the Indian market. the all new Samsung...
Samsung Galaxy J7 specifications
To fulfil the dreams of mid-range buyers, Samsung has launched two smartphone from new “J” series, the all new Samsung Galaxy...
Samsung Galaxy J7 Samsung has launched two smartphone from new “J” series, the all new Samsung Galaxy J7 in India priced...
To please the mid-range buyers, Samsung has launched two smartphone from new "J" series, Samsung Galaxy J7 and Samsung Galaxy J5...
To win the hearts of mid-range buyers, Samsung has launched it's mid-range 4G smartphone, the all new Samsung Galaxy J7...
Samsung Galaxy J7, The dream gadget of mid-range buyers featuring 4G LTE, 5.5-inch HD display, Android 5.0 lollipop and 13-MP...